Do you need coaching?

First, ask yourself if you have an idea of what you want to achieve. This does not have to be precise, but some thought needs to be put into it. Some clients feel something is wrong or out of balance in their lives with some areas going well and some really needing attention. Addressing this imbalance maybe the goal. For some, the goal is more concrete like get a job/promotion, address a financial issue, lose some weight or get fit. Some feel that talking to a colleague or confidante is enough to get a resolution and this may be the best route for them. Nevertheless, some patterns and barriers to achievement are more deeply embedded and need professional focus. What a coach will bring is the structure, guidance and accountability to move forward. I speak to clients who have in the past, started on a journey only to falter due to lack of confidence, motivation and clarity. A coach helps them stay the course. Speaking to someone non-judgemental in confidence, whose only agenda is to help you, is also the one of the most overlooked and powerful benefits of coaching.

Am I the right coach for you?
How does a financial coach differ from a financial advisor?
In short, I am on your side. A lot of financial advisors will tell you this but invariably they are subject to understandable pressures from product providers to promote these products and services. While I hold a number of financial services qualifications, I am not governed by these bodies in the execution of my financial coaching duties. As a financial coach I do not sell products such as pensions, investments and insurance, or receive commission in any form. There is thus no pressure or sales agendas at our coaching sessions. . Many feel that sitting with a financial advisor makes them feel that the meeting is not “theirs”. The coaching session, nevertheless, is firmly yours, confidential, supportive and forward-thinking. My role is not to tell you if a product or service is right for you. You will, with financial coaching, be able to decide this for yourself. I support and guide you to make better decisions, change behaviour so you can improve your finances and prevent shocks in the future. My coaching helps clients take back control of personal financial matters by focussing on life goals, financial knowledge and the tools to make it happen. Many clients seek to break behaviour that is not “serving” them, yet they repeat the same patterns over and over again. Understanding this behaviour and changing the root cause is central to the addressing of the underlying financial issue. Through coaching clients are enabled to make better decisions and gain confidence when interacting with their spouse/bank/financial advisor/accountant about money. The areas financial coaching is most relevant for clients include saving, budgeting, retirement planning, insurance protection and taxation.
What kind of goals do people seek a financial and career coach for?
What does a typical coaching session consist of?
Do you provide one off coaching sessions?
Where do coaching sessions take place?
Do I have to complete loads of financial analysis before we meet?
Do I have to complete loads of financial analysis before we meet?
Is it expensive?

Book a discovery call 

Let's talk for 30 minutes at no expense to see how I can help you. This conversation is confidential and non judgemental. Take the first step.


Or mail me here.....


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